
Gascat has devoted more than 38 years producing Pressure Regulators and Security Shutoff Valves for Hydrogen distribution together with Hydrogen Gas Distributors for many applications like Hydrogenation for Vegetable Oil to produce margarine or Heat Treatment with Reducing Atmospheric together with Nitrogen to use in bright annealing for stainless steel or sintered or other alloys mainly in Steel Plants Furnaces and many others application like lamps production.

Today the world is clamming for less carbon trough the atmosphere and the Green Hydrogen as combustible is a total reality.

Decarbonizing the planet is one of the goals that countries around the world have set for 2050. To achieve this, decarbonizing the production with an element like hydrogen, giving rise to green hydrogen, is one of the keys to reduce CO2 emissions.

Therefore with  this widely use of Hydrogen and higher regulators demand for this application Gascat have made  specific investments in assembly and testing facilities,  clean rooms for assembly, laboratory equipment and high productivity machines in order to create a dedicated H2 division. These investments allow Gascat the flexibility to produce Hydrogen Pressure Regulators and Security Shutoff Valves called “Green Line” in allusion of “Green Hydrogen” both in small batches and in large series and assure sustainable prices for the development of the H2 industry.

Specific Investment:

  • Development of cleanliness machining for oil decontamination and assembly procedures
  • High preforming CNC machines
  • Hydrogen high pressure testing place at 300 bar
  • Leak Test Loop with H2. According ISO 10497 or API 607
  • All welders with compliance ASME B31.12 Standard on Hydrogen Piping and Welding.

Gascat recommend use to all Hydrogen Pressure Regulators material as CF8M or AISI 316 series mainly Austenic Matrix to avoid material embrittlement.

But others materials can be used depending on pressure ranges; how bigger are pressures more Austenic Matrix should be use. So stainless are the most.

In low pressures applications (< 10 bar) there is no recommendation on specific alloys but all graphite irons are not recommended due to the embrittlement unless ferritization as heat treatment are achieved.
